Saturday, 3 November 2012


Postmodernism is the period of the 1960's to the modern day, this is said to be because of the reaction from modernism in terms of value. kitsch is a key feature with low art forms verses high art forms it is defined through its questioning of old limitations,  staging reality and trying to re-stage history. There is the idea that within postmodernism the original disappears being replaced with representations. With representations and rephotographed images it takes away the reality and raises questions about viewing context and the value of art.Cindy Sherman's untitled film stills concludes the definition of postmodernism. Postmodernism 'came to mean a rejection of themes and subjects that interested modernist artists' and here it is proved with Sherman resembling scenes from old B movies. Her stills show a media myth of a model interpreting stereotypical lives written by others. The difference before postmodernism is that is was 'brought up in the less image-saturated culture' with our life experiences not being raised by the media. 'While it once seemed that pictures had the function of interpreting reality, it now seems that they have usurped it' this highlights how postmodernism is almost destroying reality through representations,and Sherman does here by denying her own identity. This still image is quite cinematic which is typical of postmodernism with its refusal of narrative, the still is like a story without a story.